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digitalfish #11988

Spawned: 07/09/2011

Recently Spotted: In the hands of maxxreed

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Tracking History (549.9 total miles)

09/05/2011 hope4u discovered it
Log entry: I found this in Spirit Run: 2502 Pounds of Elk Poo near Mt. St. Helens. My friend retrieved it.
09/03/2011 maxxreed caught it
Log entry: found this in a great cache outside of Wilsonville, OR today. will move along.
Fish Release 08/19/2011 kablooey released it into GC2KG2F
Log entry: Dropped into a neat cache in Wilsonville.
Fish Spawn 07/09/2011 digitalfish spawned it into GC2Z2G6 3.02