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digitalfish #12678

Spawned: 07/11/2012

Recently Spotted: In the hands of nekromiko

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Tracking History (5489.13 total miles)

12/26/2014 nekromiko caught it
Log entry: The journey goes on...
Fish Migration 12/07/2014 Aumare spontaneously migrated it into GC196E5
Log entry: He can swim in the Schelphoek. A beautiful place.
11/17/2014 Aumare caught it
Log entry: Found in the cache Snuf the loveduck GC4PBCA I will bring it to another nice place in Holland.
Fish Migration 11/16/2014 digitalfish spontaneously migrated it into GC4PBCA 5478.96
11/11/2014 rosse64 discovered it  
09/21/2014 Helvoirt caught it
Log entry: nice
09/19/2014 knocher caught it
Log entry: Irgendwo in den letzten Wochen gefunden, das Ding ist so klein und war in meiner Tasche ganz unten drin....könnte in München gewesen sein! Jetzt gehts nach Belgien, hoffe das ist recht ;-) cheerio
12/20/2013 Argonia caught it
Log entry: In einem Super lockpick gedunden
07/11/2012 digitalfish sold it to TheHarSas