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digitalfish #14008

Spawned: 07/04/2016

Recently Spotted: In the hands of Xklondike

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Tracking History (16.49 total miles)

11/21/2016 Xklondike caught it
Log entry: Retrieved Mr. Numberfish from an awesome creekside hotel. Shall release him in an appropriately wet location.
Fish Release 11/04/2016 Ullii released it into GC6VY76
Log entry: Dropped off today in an awesome new TB hotel. Happy swimming, little fish!
10/26/2016 Ullii caught it
Log entry: Caught this guy recently and will move it along soon!
Fish Release 08/28/2016 boxcar_kid released it into GC3WT5C
Log entry: Dropped it off in 20.20 (GC3WT5C)
08/28/2016 boxcar_kid caught it
Log entry: I will take it to another cache.
08/25/2016 toco91 discovered it
Log entry: Discovered in "Unlock and Load: TBs Wanted (GC3142H)"
08/19/2016 Garfieldthefatcat caught it
Log entry: Moving it along
Fish Spawn 07/04/2016 digitalfish spawned it into GC6GGJQ 4.11