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digitalfish #14128

Spawned: 07/16/2015

Recently Spotted: In the hands of geojrh

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Tracking History (928.33 total miles)

08/22/2017 geojrh caught it
Log entry: Retrieve
08/15/2017 3 Williams Kidz discovered it
Log entry: Spotted this nice little fishy in the cache in our front yard -- Burdette Circle TB Hospital (GC3FV9D). Looks like he swam up the wrong river and got lost for a while, but he is safe and sound for now.
Fish Release 07/25/2015 sipesfamily released it into GC3RAM0
Log entry: This fish has a final destination which is at Moose River in New Hampshire.
07/16/2015 digitalfish sold it to SipesFamily