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digitalfish #2256

Spawned: 08/13/2005

Recently Spotted: In the hands of

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Tracking History (24827.68 total miles)

03/24/2006 caught it
Log entry: Thank you and come with me:-) cu jös
Fish Release 03/15/2006 Die Motte released it into GCTWMX
Log entry: Ich hoffe er wird dort nicht gegessen. Gruss Die Motte
03/13/2006 Die Motte caught it
Log entry: Aus dem Cäsch gefischt. Danke Die Motte
Fish Release 01/22/2006 Tabata2 released it into GCT3PY
Log entry: Now the fish is on a big tower, near Winterthur, Switzerland.
01/21/2006 Tabata2 caught it
Log entry: From Jasi+Saba grabbed at GeoCache-Event in Switzerland.
01/09/2006 Jasi+Saba caught it
Log entry: Die Reise geht weiter....
Fish Release 01/06/2006 moerfi released it into GCRTER
Log entry: It's released now and will continiue the journey without me.
09/20/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: eh - this was not Switzerland but Liechtenstein!
Fish Release 09/20/2005 moerfi released it into GCQ1QE
Log entry: and back in Switzerland
09/11/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and off it goes
Fish Release 09/11/2005 moerfi released it into GCN7TQ
Log entry: and now it's time for a stop in Atlanta
09/08/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and off it goes
Fish Release 09/08/2005 moerfi released it into GCMJ9K
Log entry: and back in California
09/01/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and off again
Fish Release 09/01/2005 moerfi released it into GCPRBG
Log entry: and now fish is in Italy
08/27/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and off again
Fish Release 08/27/2005 moerfi released it into GCJDPF
Log entry: and now it is at a nice place in the middle of Zurich
08/25/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and off it goes
Fish Release 08/25/2005 moerfi released it into GCP3DP
Log entry: This is now the correct place at the right time
08/22/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and back again into my pocket
Fish Release 08/22/2005 moerfi released it into GCQ1A0
Log entry: and now digitalfish sees the main station of Zurich.
08/22/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: and back again into my pocket
Fish Release 08/22/2005 moerfi released it into GCP8V6
Log entry: The first release in Switzerland is under a stone age menhir in the French speaking part of Switzerland.
08/15/2005 moerfi caught it
Log entry: no no, not swimming but flying. It is time to travel to Switzerland.
Fish Spawn 08/13/2005 digitalfish spawned it into GCQ1EQ 13.87