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digitalfish #815

Spawned: 07/23/2004

Recently Spotted: In cache GC9EQ63

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Tracking History (32.9 total miles)

Fish Migration 10/03/2022 digitalfish spontaneously migrated it into GC9EQ63
Log entry: Hubby, son and I spotted this beautiful little glass fish in a GeoCache yesterday. Its next to a Reservoir, so we left little fishy alone. Way point- Los Gatos Creek Trail, Vasona Reservoir, Los Gatos, CA.
10/02/2022 Quattrogiri_95124 discovered it
Log entry: Hubby, son and I spotted this beautiful little glass fish in a GeoCache yesterday. Its next to a Reservoir, so we left little fishy alone. Way point- Los Gatos Creek Trail, Vasona Reservoir, Los Gatos, CA.
05/06/2005 bytemobile caught it
Log entry: I caught this at the Spawning Ground and will release it next weekend.
Fish Release 02/25/2005 bullit released it into GCK3VP 12.65
07/31/2004 bullit caught it
Log entry: Cool site... I'm adding this to my very small collection: M+J Penny Sgt Stitches army guy See very small :-) Thanks!
Fish Spawn 07/23/2004 digitalfish spawned it into GCK1BN 0.66