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digitalfish #9383

Spawned: 12/07/2008

Recently Spotted: In the hands of Dowbiggin

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Tracking History (24.28 total miles)

01/19/2009 Dowbiggin caught it
Log entry: Picked up this little feller along Penitencia Creek in a new cache in an old cache hide spot. I will be moving it along soon!
Fish Release 01/07/2009 Xklondike released it into GC1KHDK
Log entry: From almost empty Felt Lake to a lightly flowing Penitencia Creek.
01/04/2009 Xklondike caught it
Log entry: Picked up at the cache located at the mysterious nearly empty Felt Lake. This fishy will certainly want to move to a more watery spot.
Fish Spawn 12/07/2008 digitalfish spawned it into GC19GXE 5.73