Tracking History (1395.57 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 04/24/2014 | 11.78 miles Nebraska, United States |
arrow_upward | 10/12/2013 |
chainganguc released it into GC3FCQA |
5.2 miles Nebraska, United States |
arrow_downward | 09/28/2013 |
chainganguc caught it Log entry: Caught in Sunburst. Will release soon. |
arrow_upward | 09/04/2013 |
Pixie Tracker released it into GC4FPM1 Log entry: Found this digitalfish in an old geocaching container. It's been a looooooong time and so it must be released back into the wild!!! |
2.37 miles Nebraska, United States |
arrow_downward | 04/22/2007 |
Pixie Tracker caught it Log entry: How cute! We took him out of a cache we are archiving and we'll try to find an oft-found cache to release him in and thus send him on his way. Don't forget to celebrate Shakespeare's birthday tomorrow with a sonnet or two! Pixie Tracker |
arrow_upward | 01/06/2007 | 0.16 miles Nebraska, United States |
arrow_downward | 12/25/2006 |
ellhanan caught it Log entry: My first geofish! Kinda fun to see a 'trackable' small enough to put into a micro. Found this one in a magnetic keyholder inside a light post (GCP072). Hope to see more of them. This will probably be a 'catch & release'. Thanks For The Item! |
arrow_upward | 11/18/2006 | 1368.03 miles Nebraska, United States |
arrow_downward | 03/15/2006 |
Lil Devil caught it Log entry: Gonna move this fish halfway across the continent. |
arrow_upward | 02/15/2006 |
triplep220 released it into GCHBXM Log entry: This cache doesn't get visited much because it's a toughie. |
2.14 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 02/12/2006 |
triplep220 caught it Log entry: This is a cool little fish. I noticed that there is no water in the baggie, and I'm a little worried because the fish is blue. |
add | 02/11/2006 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCT957 |
5.89 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
04/24/2014 | husker52 | 11.78 miles Nebraska, United States |
10/12/2013 | chainganguc | 5.2 miles Nebraska, United States |
09/28/2013 | chainganguc | |
Caught |
09/04/2013 | Pixie Tracker | 2.37 miles Nebraska, United States |
04/22/2007 | Pixie Tracker | |
Caught |
01/06/2007 | ellhanan | 0.16 miles Nebraska, United States |
12/25/2006 | ellhanan | |
Caught |
11/18/2006 | Lil Devil | 1368.03 miles Nebraska, United States |
03/15/2006 | Lil Devil | |
Caught |
02/15/2006 | triplep220 | 2.14 miles California, United States |
02/12/2006 | triplep220 | |
Caught |
02/11/2006 | digitalfish | 5.89 miles California, United States |