Tracking History (310.21 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 09/07/2013 | 120.67 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 09/02/2013 |
4U6U57 caught it Log entry: My first fish find, although I have heard of them before. I probably won't be able to bring it far. |
arrow_upward | 08/22/2013 | 51.49 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 08/17/2013 |
Busca5 caught it Log entry: My first little fishy! I look forward to moving him along! |
arrow_upward | 08/17/2013 |
allseekers released it into GC4HMCZ Log entry: Great place for him to continue the journey, travel far. |
13.53 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 08/12/2013 |
allseekers caught it Log entry: Found him in a tree, that's no place for a fish. |
arrow_upward | 08/11/2013 |
101.7 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 08/10/2013 |
Shrektrician caught it Log entry: I love fishies! Will move on... |
add | 05/25/2013 |
digitalfish spawned it into GC46182 |
22.82 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
09/07/2013 | 4U6U57 | 120.67 miles California, United States |
09/02/2013 | 4U6U57 | |
Caught |
08/22/2013 | Busca5 | 51.49 miles California, United States |
08/17/2013 | Busca5 | |
Caught |
08/17/2013 | allseekers | 13.53 miles California, United States |
08/12/2013 | allseekers | |
Caught |
08/11/2013 | Shrektrician | 101.7 miles California, United States |
08/10/2013 | Shrektrician | |
Caught |
05/25/2013 | digitalfish | 22.82 miles California, United States |