Tracking History (43334.94 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 01/11/2009 | 27.53 miles Romania |
arrow_downward | 08/25/2007 |
Valdegru caught it |
arrow_upward | 08/04/2007 | 785.79 miles Romania |
arrow_downward | 07/02/2007 |
ageta caught it |
arrow_upward | 06/13/2007 | 163.37 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 06/08/2007 |
Zosamim caught it |
arrow_upward | 06/04/2007 | 278.86 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 05/27/2007 |
3-v-CxL4 caught it |
arrow_upward | 05/01/2007 | 54.32 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 04/29/2007 |
krauty caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/29/2007 | 82.65 miles Germany |
check | 04/26/2007 |
zwemmer discovered it |
arrow_downward | 04/25/2007 |
Hanoi caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/08/2007 |
Team Squirrel released it into GC1019F |
2.85 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 04/06/2007 |
Team Squirrel caught it Log entry: HI!!! I moved to Germany 2 years ago from Santa Clara. I was realy surprised to find out this fish came from the Bay Area. We will release this fish next weekend someplace nice. |
arrow_upward | 02/18/2007 |
Tigerentenclub released it into GC10BAC |
2.71 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 02/18/2007 |
Tigerentenclub caught it |
arrow_upward | 02/13/2007 | 11.47 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 02/12/2007 |
fachi caught it |
arrow_upward | 02/04/2007 |
Deuil&Data released it into GC10KAQ |
6.54 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 02/03/2007 |
Deuil&Data caught it |
arrow_upward | 02/02/2007 | 4.83 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 01/29/2007 |
ninihaner caught it |
arrow_upward | 01/01/2007 | 9.83 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 12/30/2006 |
worldpuck caught it |
arrow_upward | 12/28/2006 | 37.66 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 12/17/2006 |
AundA caught it |
arrow_upward | 12/15/2006 | 126.1 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 12/08/2006 |
hotelzulu caught it |
arrow_upward | 11/05/2006 | 45.69 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 10/30/2006 |
mhe caught it Log entry: i dont know, what it is |
arrow_upward | 10/29/2006 | 6555.68 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 10/13/2006 |
wegaworld caught it |
arrow_upward | 10/13/2006 | 6551.69 miles Ecuador |
arrow_downward | 10/03/2006 |
wegaworld caught it |
arrow_upward | 09/16/2006 |
Powersearcher released it into GCHFVZ |
22.03 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 09/14/2006 |
Powersearcher caught it Log entry: Found in GCXR9H - Grüne Hölle |
arrow_upward | 09/05/2006 | 36.25 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 08/31/2006 |
Hubatt caught it |
arrow_upward | 06/24/2006 | 52.33 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 06/10/2006 |
Guido-30 caught it |
arrow_upward | 06/06/2006 | 175.74 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 05/21/2006 |
niseba caught it |
arrow_upward | 05/20/2006 | 274.88 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 05/10/2006 |
Bobo3 caught it Log entry: Found it together with other items in Cologne, Germany. Will place it soon into a cache in nothern Germany near the shore of the Baltic Sea |
arrow_upward | 05/06/2006 |
De zoeklichten released it into GCR6GR |
136.84 miles Germany |
arrow_downward | 04/17/2006 |
De zoeklichten caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/16/2006 |
spoor-zoekers released it into GCG6JV |
10506.2 miles Netherlands |
arrow_downward | 12/17/2005 |
spoor-zoekers caught it |
arrow_upward | 11/27/2005 | 128.3 miles Tasmania, Australia |
arrow_downward | 10/02/2005 |
Horus caught it |
arrow_upward | 08/20/2005 |
Dippedidooda released it into GCM0J8 |
6.28 miles Tasmania, Australia |
arrow_downward | 08/14/2005 |
Dippedidooda caught it |
arrow_upward | 08/13/2005 | 9.72 miles Tasmania, Australia |
arrow_downward | 08/07/2005 |
Caxixi caught it Log entry: Found this in Nazgul's Legacy Hobart Airport TB Hotel. Off for an adventure around Tasmania. |
arrow_upward | 06/05/2005 | 7811.53 miles Tasmania, Australia |
arrow_downward | 04/22/2005 |
Snuva caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/22/2005 | 2567.25 miles Peru |
arrow_downward | 04/12/2005 |
Snuva caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/12/2005 | 1289.52 miles Chile |
arrow_downward | 04/07/2005 |
Snuva caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/07/2005 | 1352.44 miles Pitcairn Islands |
arrow_downward | 04/02/2005 |
Snuva caught it |
arrow_upward | 04/02/2005 | 4192.41 miles French Polynesia |
arrow_downward | 03/28/2005 |
Snuva caught it Log entry: Grabbed from the Quicksilver TB Hotel as one of the items on Team Nazgul's 'A Signature Bug'. We're off on a South Pacific adventure - with a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum I suspect! |
arrow_upward | 03/23/2005 | 17.36 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 03/07/2005 |
Nazgul caught it Log entry: Picked up today... I'll be moving this one along soon. |
add | 12/31/2004 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCGHTG |
8.29 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
01/11/2009 | Valdegru | 27.53 miles Romania |
08/25/2007 | Valdegru | |
Caught |
08/04/2007 | ageta | 785.79 miles Romania |
07/02/2007 | ageta | |
Caught |
06/13/2007 | Zosamim | 163.37 miles Germany |
06/08/2007 | Zosamim | |
Caught |
06/04/2007 | 3-v-CxL4 | 278.86 miles Germany |
05/27/2007 | 3-v-CxL4 | |
Caught |
05/01/2007 | krauty | 54.32 miles Germany |
04/29/2007 | krauty | |
Caught |
04/29/2007 | Hanoi | 82.65 miles Germany |
04/26/2007 | zwemmer | |
Discovered |
04/25/2007 | Hanoi | |
Caught |
04/08/2007 | Team Squirrel | 2.85 miles Germany |
04/06/2007 | Team Squirrel | |
Caught |
02/18/2007 | Tigerentenclub | 2.71 miles Germany |
02/18/2007 | Tigerentenclub | |
Caught |
02/13/2007 | fachi | 11.47 miles Germany |
02/12/2007 | fachi | |
Caught |
02/04/2007 | Deuil&Data | 6.54 miles Germany |
02/03/2007 | Deuil&Data | |
Caught |
02/02/2007 | ninihaner | 4.83 miles Germany |
01/29/2007 | ninihaner | |
Caught |
01/01/2007 | worldpuck | 9.83 miles Germany |
12/30/2006 | worldpuck | |
Caught |
12/28/2006 | AundA | 37.66 miles Germany |
12/17/2006 | AundA | |
Caught |
12/15/2006 | hotelzulu | 126.1 miles Germany |
12/08/2006 | hotelzulu | |
Caught |
11/05/2006 | mhe | 45.69 miles Germany |
10/30/2006 | mhe | |
Caught |
10/29/2006 | wegaworld | 6555.68 miles Germany |
10/13/2006 | wegaworld | |
Caught |
10/13/2006 | wegaworld | 6551.69 miles Ecuador |
10/03/2006 | wegaworld | |
Caught |
09/16/2006 | Powersearcher | 22.03 miles Germany |
09/14/2006 | Powersearcher | |
Caught |
09/05/2006 | Hubatt | 36.25 miles Germany |
08/31/2006 | Hubatt | |
Caught |
06/24/2006 | Guido-30 | 52.33 miles Germany |
06/10/2006 | Guido-30 | |
Caught |
06/06/2006 | niseba | 175.74 miles Germany |
05/21/2006 | niseba | |
Caught |
05/20/2006 | Bobo3 | 274.88 miles Germany |
05/10/2006 | Bobo3 | |
Caught |
05/06/2006 | De zoeklichten | 136.84 miles Germany |
04/17/2006 | De zoeklichten | |
Caught |
04/16/2006 | spoor-zoekers | 10506.2 miles Netherlands |
12/17/2005 | spoor-zoekers | |
Caught |
11/27/2005 | Horus | 128.3 miles Tasmania, Australia |
10/02/2005 | Horus | |
Caught |
08/20/2005 | Dippedidooda | 6.28 miles Tasmania, Australia |
08/14/2005 | Dippedidooda | |
Caught |
08/13/2005 | Caxixi | 9.72 miles Tasmania, Australia |
08/07/2005 | Caxixi | |
Caught |
06/05/2005 | Snuva | 7811.53 miles Tasmania, Australia |
04/22/2005 | Snuva | |
Caught |
04/22/2005 | Snuva | 2567.25 miles Peru |
04/12/2005 | Snuva | |
Caught |
04/12/2005 | Snuva | 1289.52 miles Chile |
04/07/2005 | Snuva | |
Caught |
04/07/2005 | Snuva | 1352.44 miles Pitcairn Islands |
04/02/2005 | Snuva | |
Caught |
04/02/2005 | Snuva | 4192.41 miles French Polynesia |
03/28/2005 | Snuva | |
Caught |
03/23/2005 | Nazgul | 17.36 miles California, United States |
03/07/2005 | Nazgul | |
Caught |
12/31/2004 | digitalfish | 8.29 miles California, United States |