Tracking History (2106.85 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 07/31/2008 |
digitalfish released it into GC1A7QC |
1649.73 miles Alaska, United States |
arrow_downward | 07/28/2007 |
digitalfish caught it Log entry: Rescued from GC14K9W. |
arrow_upward | 07/27/2007 | 4.12 miles California, United States |
arrow_upward | 04/08/2007 | 19.44 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 03/31/2007 |
chasam caught it Log entry: Grabbed today from Pet Lovers, GCK13M. Will release. |
arrow_upward | 10/23/2005 |
PurplePeople released it into GCK13M Log entry: Pet Lovers? Maybe there'll be a kitty come along for this fish? |
170.01 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 10/15/2005 |
PurplePeople caught it Log entry: Thought you away, eh? Back you go to the Bay Area, bwahahaha! |
arrow_upward | 08/12/2005 | 117.66 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 07/23/2005 |
redvoodoo caught it Log entry: cute little fella, but we use bait bigger than this...we'll release him so he can fatten up!! |
arrow_downward | 06/02/2005 |
BigBoyScout caught it Log entry: Caught this little guy in town and will look to put him further out. |
arrow_upward | 05/31/2005 | 130.76 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 05/29/2005 |
Aviators caught it Log entry: Too cute. We'll help the little fella? on an inland journey. |
add | 04/16/2005 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCMDRW |
15.13 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
07/31/2008 | digitalfish | 1649.73 miles Alaska, United States |
07/28/2007 | digitalfish | |
Caught |
07/27/2007 | BLFD1 | 4.12 miles California, United States |
04/08/2007 | chasam | 19.44 miles California, United States |
03/31/2007 | chasam | |
Caught |
10/23/2005 | PurplePeople | 170.01 miles California, United States |
10/15/2005 | PurplePeople | |
Caught |
08/12/2005 | Redvoodoo | 117.66 miles California, United States |
07/23/2005 | redvoodoo | |
Caught |
06/02/2005 | BigBoyScout | |
Caught |
05/31/2005 | Aviators | 130.76 miles California, United States |
05/29/2005 | Aviators | |
Caught |
04/16/2005 | digitalfish | 15.13 miles California, United States |