Tracking History (423.97 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 09/06/2006 |
nonaeroterraqueous released it into GCHZ3F |
10.24 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 08/28/2006 |
nonaeroterraqueous caught it Log entry: We've been avoiding unusual tracking items like this for fear of getting home and realizing we didn't know what to do with them. Couldn't resist this one, though. Found it in the aforementioned cache. |
arrow_upward | 08/09/2006 |
Syd and Dain released it into GCTQ6Z Log entry: Moved the fish 1000 miles down the West Coast. Released him/ her near a wonderful walking trail in Irvine, CA |
382.84 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 07/29/2006 |
syd and dain caught it Log entry: We caught this fish in goblindust's P.I.R.fect cache in Portland, OR, and plan to release it in southern California when we get home. |
add | 12/10/2005 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCQVVP |
30.89 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
09/06/2006 | nonaeroterraqueous | 10.24 miles California, United States |
08/28/2006 | nonaeroterraqueous | |
Caught |
08/09/2006 | Syd and Dain | 382.84 miles California, United States |
07/29/2006 | syd and dain | |
Caught |
12/10/2005 | digitalfish | 30.89 miles California, United States |