Tracking History (541.54 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 03/18/2008 |
149.68 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 05/20/2007 |
smcherokee caught it Log entry: Best Catch of the Day!! Will release in warmer waters. |
check | 05/19/2007 |
RonFisk discovered it Log entry: This was a quick catch and release. I was over my limit so I had to release him in the same pool. |
arrow_upward | 05/07/2007 | 49.03 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 05/05/2007 |
Gotfish? caught it Log entry: Pick back up to move again. |
arrow_upward | 04/29/2007 | 2.1 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 04/28/2007 |
gotfish? caught it Log entry: Caught another one! Will send him downstream soon. |
arrow_upward | 12/06/2006 |
290.44 miles California, United States |
arrow_upward | 12/03/2006 |
21.11 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 12/03/2006 |
geostrykyr caught it Log entry: Found in a geocache in Bolinas, CA called rock n roll. |
add | 03/04/2006 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCRG21 |
29.18 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
03/18/2008 | smcherokee | 149.68 miles California, United States |
05/20/2007 | smcherokee | |
Caught |
05/19/2007 | RonFisk | |
Discovered |
05/07/2007 | Gotfish? | 49.03 miles California, United States |
05/05/2007 | Gotfish? | |
Caught |
04/29/2007 | Gotfish? | 2.1 miles California, United States |
04/28/2007 | gotfish? | |
Caught |
12/06/2006 | geostrykyr | 290.44 miles California, United States |
12/03/2006 | geostrykyr | 21.11 miles California, United States |
12/03/2006 | geostrykyr | |
Caught |
03/04/2006 | digitalfish | 29.18 miles California, United States |