Tracking History (431.31 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_downward | 10/29/2006 |
kids pop caught it Log entry: The one that did not get away |
arrow_upward | 10/24/2006 | 20.84 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 09/14/2006 |
Bigmouth caught it Log entry: I caught this little fishy @ GCYAAN. I will release it soon. I'll take it for a little ride, westward. |
arrow_upward | 09/13/2006 | 31.08 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 09/11/2006 |
Losel2 caught it Log entry: I want to apologize for not logging this digitalfish when I apparently picked it up out of the cache GCK180 - Cabazon Overlook, back on 5/26/2006. I found this little guy in my backpack when I cleaned it out and didn't realize that I had it. Just got lost in my backpack and didn't log it into my Palm at the time. So sorry for not being better attentive! But now that I know I have this fish, I will soon be putting up another cache and spawning it in that cache. Again, so sorry for my poor attentive skills. |
add | 04/20/2006 |
digitalfish spawned it into GCK180 |
379.39 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
10/29/2006 | kids pop | |
Caught |
10/24/2006 | bigmouth | 20.84 miles California, United States |
09/14/2006 | Bigmouth | |
Caught |
09/13/2006 | Losel 2 | 31.08 miles California, United States |
09/11/2006 | Losel2 | |
Caught |
04/20/2006 | digitalfish | 379.39 miles California, United States |