Tracking History (62.42 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 12/29/2008 | 17.64 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 09/09/2008 |
Adium caught it Log entry: My first geofish..., will move along soon. |
arrow_upward | 08/30/2008 |
brianweeks released it into GCG5NN Log entry: Released this little fish in a nice micro in a neat little park near downtown San Leandro. Hope she travels far and wide! |
21.86 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 06/04/2008 |
brianweeks caught it Log entry: Caught a fish today in Sycamore Grove! Kind of a peach-colored little fish in her own ziploc with instruction card for logging. Will be joining #576 that I found a while back in Ardenwood in Fremont. Too bad they don't breed well.... Thanks! |
arrow_upward | 03/08/2008 |
22.92 miles California, United States |
shopping_cart | 09/30/2006 |
digitalfish sold it to jack_armstrong |
Action | Date | Mileage |
12/29/2008 | Adium | 17.64 miles California, United States |
09/09/2008 | Adium | |
Caught |
08/30/2008 | brianweeks | 21.86 miles California, United States |
06/04/2008 | brianweeks | |
Caught |
03/08/2008 | jack_armstrong | 22.92 miles California, United States |
09/30/2006 | jack_armstrong | |
Purchased |