Tracking History (10.65 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_downward | 03/29/2009 |
cuban_dudeca caught it Log entry: I got this fish while searching for my second cache and will be taking it to another cache so it can travel a bit. |
arrow_downward | 07/25/2008 |
yofoghorn caught it Log entry: I got the fish from the cache and will be taking it to a cache upstream from the bay. |
check | 07/19/2008 |
Dowbiggin discovered it Log entry: I found this one on the ground next to the cache into which it had been spawned. I just didn't know that at the time. So it's still (back) in that cache. |
add | 03/22/2007 |
digitalfish spawned it into GC16V3X |
10.65 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
03/29/2009 | cuban_dudeca | |
Caught |
07/25/2008 | yofoghorn | |
Caught |
07/19/2008 | Dowbiggin | |
Discovered |
03/22/2007 | digitalfish | 10.65 miles California, United States |