Tracking History (959.11 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 05/05/2013 |
42.09 miles British Columbia, Canada |
arrow_downward | 03/31/2013 |
Dirk_Gentley caught it Log entry: picked up from The life of King Boru's Treasure, will release back into the wild soon. GC47R22 N 49° 09.397 W 123° 11.792 |
arrow_downward | 09/25/2012 |
KNL_caching caught it Log entry: Caught at "Dobby's sock" in Burnaby |
arrow_downward | 09/18/2012 |
Caluminator caught it Log entry: Caught this fish in Surrey and will release it soon! |
arrow_upward | 09/07/2012 |
1.06 miles British Columbia, Canada |
arrow_downward | 09/06/2012 |
Team Motherfarmer caught it Log entry: Weird, never seen these before. |
arrow_upward | 07/12/2012 |
Scouter Ted released it into GC13JWY Log entry: Sorry it took so long but it was a long hard swim across the salish sea. Happy travels my fish friend. |
69.95 miles British Columbia, Canada |
arrow_downward | 04/07/2012 |
Scouter Ted caught it Log entry: First time for one of these. Dont imagine there are too many around. Will move along soon. KYSOTI |
check | 03/23/2012 |
Deepspace4 discovered it Log entry: Find while caching on a sunny Spring Break afternoon with DSsquared. |
arrow_upward | 02/25/2012 | 15.34 miles British Columbia, Canada |
arrow_downward | 02/14/2012 |
findzit caught it Log entry: Picked this up while caching with yin\yang. |
arrow_upward | 04/23/2011 | 830.67 miles British Columbia, Canada |
shopping_cart | 10/14/2008 |
digitalfish sold it to jandi |
Action | Date | Mileage |
05/05/2013 | Dirk_Gentley | 42.09 miles British Columbia, Canada |
03/31/2013 | Dirk_Gentley | |
Caught |
09/25/2012 | KNL_caching | |
Caught |
09/18/2012 | Caluminator | |
Caught |
09/07/2012 | Team Motherfarmer | 1.06 miles British Columbia, Canada |
09/06/2012 | Team Motherfarmer | |
Caught |
07/12/2012 | Scouter Ted | 69.95 miles British Columbia, Canada |
04/07/2012 | Scouter Ted | |
Caught |
03/23/2012 | Deepspace4 | |
Discovered |
02/25/2012 | findzit | 15.34 miles British Columbia, Canada |
02/14/2012 | findzit | |
Caught |
04/23/2011 | Jandi | 830.67 miles British Columbia, Canada |
10/14/2008 | jandi | |
Purchased |