Tracking History (656.29 total miles)
Map | Action | Date | Log | Mileage |
arrow_upward | 01/25/2021 |
63.07 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 01/18/2021 |
Dr. Flonase caught it Log entry: Picked this up from a puzzle up on Mount Tam. Will move along. |
arrow_downward | 01/18/2021 |
Dr. Flonase caught it Log entry: Picked this up from a puzzle up on Mount Tam. Will move along. |
question_mark | 01/01/2012 |
digitalfish marked it as missing Log entry: Cache archived. |
arrow_upward | 04/12/2009 | 1.21 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 04/12/2009 |
OnABike caught it Log entry: Caught this little guy at Pyramid Scheme. Will release somewhere south by the water. |
arrow_upward | 04/04/2009 |
7questionstour released it into GC1HPKA Log entry: released the little guy at the Pyramid Scheme, close to the water and a beverage that sometimes folks drink while on the water |
145.2 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 03/20/2009 |
7questionstour caught it Log entry: Found this little guy in GC1GJGX. Will take him somewhere with more water |
arrow_upward | 01/24/2009 |
188.3 miles California, United States |
arrow_downward | 01/19/2009 |
tigger girl caught it Log entry: Cute little fish. Will move it north. |
add | 12/30/2008 |
digitalfish spawned it into GC1JMWD |
258.51 miles California, United States |
Action | Date | Mileage |
01/25/2021 | Dr. Flonase | 63.07 miles California, United States |
01/18/2021 | Dr. Flonase | |
Caught |
01/18/2021 | Dr. Flonase | |
Caught |
01/01/2012 | digitalfish | |
Marked As Missing |
04/12/2009 | OnABike | 1.21 miles California, United States |
04/12/2009 | OnABike | |
Caught |
04/04/2009 | 7questionstour | 145.2 miles California, United States |
03/20/2009 | 7questionstour | |
Caught |
01/24/2009 | tigger girl | 188.3 miles California, United States |
01/19/2009 | tigger girl | |
Caught |
12/30/2008 | digitalfish | 258.51 miles California, United States |